Monday, March 22, 2010

رحلة في أعماق الواقع

ساحرة عينيها المزيفة ألوانها
واثقة هي من جمالها
و تعلم أنه بمجرد كلامها
تضلنا بثقتها عن أفعالها

فلا تجدها عندما تحتاجها
و لكن عندما تبحث عن ما يفيدها
تجدها ملاصقة لمن سيعينها
على درب يتجه إليه مَن هم على شاكلتها

فاتخذت دربا مغايرا لكل دروبها
و سلكت مسلكا مضادا لطريقها
لأجد التيار يأخذني ليضعني في مواجهتها
فمن المنتصر ، أنا أم حلفائها ؟
سؤال لا جواب عليه إلا عند إلاهها


Hebba said...

unfortunately dear, in many times SHE will win. i know what you are talking about, and faced it many times at my life. but at the end, u can't turn into a cheater to match what is going on.
ma3lesh. whenever u feel this way, remember that Allah is there and keeps world's justice :)))
just like i do

ro said...
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Roody said...

That's the Idea i hate ....sometimes i feel i've changed because of some ppl but the change and isn't for the good it's for the worst

and when i realize this i try to undo the change to be me again coz as u said i'll never to turn to be a bad person to match what is going on

and about justice ...yes awyyyyyyy ba2a w kol wa7ed beyban 3ala 7a2e2to ba3d kda w el 7elw beyla2y nas by7eboh w el tany fag2a hayla2y el nas msh 7awaleeh :))

thanks ya banota for sharing ur own point of view with me's a pleasure

w tany mara lama to7'rogo ta7'dony ma3ako

Hebba said...

ma3lesh ya roody. this is life here, for those who know it's time limited :)))
isa at the end we will win.
you are mostly welcome to join at our outings. u will enjoy the group

Lime&Sugar said...

Eshta :)) asma3 ba2a en ento 7'argto mn 3'ery msh haye7sal kewayes ...tb3n tedony notice 2bleha 3ashan azabtloko yoom f agendet mawa3edy :P loooool

l2 ya3ny to2ololy 3asahn ya3ny msh tego to2olo nazlen now w ana mkonsh mawgoda 3rfa ana 7arakat el kobar dh 3ashan ye3rafo yesebo el atfal fl beet :))

Hebba said...

hader ya fandem. but it is most of the times a prior notice. you know your sister. she can't accept anything, if not over long term planning.
god, how much i hate this word :)